Malaprops, lesserisms, fractured cliches, or things my mother said:


A company with a lot of diversatility.

A leopard never changes his stripes.

After all, none of us are human.

All she does is ferment trouble.

And that goes for both of you two.

Are the oranges in flavor?

A rolling stone is worth two in the bush.

Before I begin I would like to say a few words...

Cast your pearls upon the water.

Come hell or hot water!

Come to think of it, I never thought of it.

Don't add ammunition to the fire.

Don't let the cat out of the hat.

Don't look at me in that tone of voice!

Don't put all your bread in one basket.

Don't throw the dishwater out with the baby.

Fish or get off the pot.

For your information, let me ask you a question.

He doesn't pull any bones about it.

He made the wrong mistake.

He says something one day and out the other.

He speaks with a broken accent.

He took a leave of abstinence.

He was a sour sport.

He was a split personality rolled into one.

He's a mutual friend of mine.

He's buttered his bread, now he can lay in it.

He's going to knock the world on fire.

He's got a great future behind him.

He's got that job down to a pat.

He bought the bullet.

He was the impersonation of honesty.

I believe in being dumb to kind animals.

I don't want any part to do with it.

I laughed so hard, I thought my sides would die.

I may be wrong, but I'm not far from it.

I never liked him and I always will.

I'd give my right teeth for that.

I'd like to have a bust made of his head.

I'm at a stumping point.

I'm climbing out of my wall!

I'm getting nervous under the collar.

I'm going to win your pants off.

I'm having a hard enough trouble.

I'm only in it for the ride.

I'm too easy go lucky.

I'm wound up like a kite.

It's like throwing a monkey in the wrench.

It's time she flexed her wings.

If a person is smart he doesn't need any brains.

In anticipation of your last performance...

In the mean case...

It happened in the midst of while you were there.

It makes no rhyme or reason.

It was a great party, everyone in the room was there.

It was just off the cuff of my head.

It was so dark you couldn't see your face in front of you.

It's no skin off my teeth.

It's so beautiful, the ocean comes right up to the shore.

I'm paving new horizons.

I stuck my head out on a limb for you.

I've got lesserisms coming out the kazoo.

Just take it with a grain of sand.

Keep a watchout.

Keep that in the back of your hat.

Keep the noise down--this isn't the only room your in.

Love is the splice of life.

No one building was alike.

Perish forbid!

Put a step on it.

She can smell a rat when she sees one.

She put her neck on the line.

Sleeping dogs never bite.

Sooner or later you have to swallow the bullet.

Taking money from the mouths of babes.

That grates against the grain.

That idea is a stroke of lightning.

That idea was a brain stroke.

That was the crowning touch.

That's a bird of a different feather.

That's a fine kettle of worms.

That's a lot of crock.

That's like a two-headed sword.

The best of two evils.

The side of the house was gigantic plates of glass.

Their elbows aren't talking to their asses.

There are too many cooks and not enough Indians.

There are too many cooks in the soup.

There is a zero per-chance of rain today.

There's a terrible hatch being plotted.

They haven't got a ground to stand on.

They rented it for a couple of years ago.

Too many chickens can spoil the broth.

We all have our crosses to grind.

We came out of it shining like a rose.

We missed you almost as if you were there.

Who are you kidding me?

Why can't you ever be late on time?

You can go to hell, that's what you are.

You can't tell a horse by its color.

You don't have to treat me like kid's gloves.

You haven't even tipped the iceberg.

You hit the nail on the nose.

You're a real barrel of monkeys.

You're a sight to give a person sore eyes.

You're just beating your head against a dead horse.

You rub shoulders with all the right people.

Your room looks like a shambles hit it.