AGENCY:Grey Advertising  CLIENT: Quaker State Motor Oil
Sometimes it takes an offer to motivate people. Dumping used motor oil in the ground or down sewerdrains is a leading cause of pollution. While research at that time showedabout 50% of people still changed their own motor oil, there was no consumerprogram by the oil companies to encourage proper disposal of this vialsubstance. It took courage on the part of Quaker State to agree to makethis offer. I found a supplier of oil recycling containers and coupledit with a toll free number to help car enthusiasts find the nearest placethat will recycle used motor oil. KMart and other major retailers jumpedon it. 

AGENCY:Beaumont-Bennett  CLIENT: Pan Am Airlines
Not every promotion canbe a total success. The mission here was to help re-new the tarnished imageof the world's once largest airline that suffered a fatal crash over Scotland.Alas, the pain was too great, and while the promotion and 50th anniversarycelebration helped to build morale and cheer up passengers,  it couldnot reverse the court of public opinion. It was Pan Am's last advertisingeffort. All that remains is this scratch-off game piece.

AGENCY:Grey Advertising   CLIENT: Congoleum Resilient Flooring
Congoleum is one of America'soldest flooring companies. This ad was a very tough sell given the "nature"of the concept, but well worth the screaming and yelling. The ad stillcreates smiles whenever it's seen.

AGENCY:Grey Advertising  CLIENT: Bath Iron Works
Credited with helping tosecure the last major U.S. Government shipbuilding contract of the 20thCentury, this print campaign painted a picture of B.I.W. as a
concerned citizen and friendto the Navy and the Pentagon; not a braggart making false claims aboutbeing on time and under budget. The campaign ran in
The New York Times, WallStreet Journal, Washington Post and the National Review.But it received additional exposure hanging on the walls in the officesof the Navy personnel.

AGENCY:Scali McCabe Sloves  CLIENT: Roy Rogers Family Restaurants
Roy Rogers was originallya roast beef chain with a low share of moms with kids. To attract usersof other fast food restaurants, this ad campaign claimed Roy Rogers served"fresh" not frozen food that's been thawed, fried and full of additivesand binders. This in-store poster announced the launch of the campaignthat ran for three years and helped to establish Roy Rogers as a viablealternative to Burger King and McDonalds.

AGENCY:Beaumont-Bennett  CLIENT: BankAmerica
The problem with BankAmericaTravelers Cheques was that Europeans thought they can only be cashed inAmerica. A promotion is one way to get people to try something, but Swissbanks, the most conservative of institutions, would not allow point-of-salematerial like posters and counter cards. However, this promotion that useda world-money map as a gift, was widely accepted and displayed...alongwith this counter card, and sales of BA Travelers Cheques soared 300%.The promotion ran in Switzerland and France, the material was printed inEngland and written, designed and translated in the good old USA.

AGENCY:Beaumont-Bennett   CLIENT: BF Goodrich Tires
Theidea was to have the billboards match the enviornment where they were goingto be placed.  The West Coast  was the market, accounting forover 50% of BF Goodrich's tire sales.  The ads, however, also happenedto appeal to the retailers in different geographic regions, and suddenlyOutdoor became a primary co-op media.

AGENCY:Beaumont-Bennett  CLIENT: Congoleum Resilient Flooring
Congoleum was being out-spentin advertising 2 to 1 by competitor Mannington. Using Johnny Carson's sidekickEd McMahon and promoting their JT-88 Never Wax flooring, Mannington surpassedCongoleum as the number two brand in the category. What's a mother to do?I took advantage of Mannington's weakness...their floors had a tendencyto scuff easily, and the fact that consumers had switched to wearing runningshoes instead of leather soled shoes around the house. I invented the Scuff-Tuffformula for Congoleum's existing urethane coated product, which had a highermelting point and therefore more resistant to scuffing. With only a promotionaleffort to launch it and dealer co-op TV, overnight Congoleum reversed thetrend and took a healthy bite out of Mannington's share of sales. Scuff-Tuffwas easier to sell by the retailers and its benefits easily understoodby consumers.

AGENCY:Merchandising Workshop   CLIENT: Bain de Soleil
Thisproduct had an upscale image before P&G let it fade away. Pfizer boughtthe brand, added class to the packaging and needed to announce it all tothe trade. I felt words were unnecessary for the cover of this sell-inkit that introduced Bain de Soeil's new positioning and packaging.

AGENCY:Pollak Advertising  CLIENT: American Family Brands -- Kohler DeliMeats
I love it when you finda client with a sense of humor. Hats off to Kohler for buying my headlines.

AGENCY:Pollak Advertising  CLIENT: Great Expectations
Thisprint campaign for America's largest dating service helped to clarify itsposition among competitive organizations, and it easily communicates exactlywhat it does for its customers.  For the first time there was universalagreement among the many franchise owners.

AGENCY:Merchandising Workshop  CLIENT: Pfizer Consumer Health Care
At first they laughed whenBarbasol announced it would launch a shave cream for women. But women buyover half the shave cream. With my positioning, design and even some ofthe copy, the product was an instant success and the company initiallyhad trouble keeping up with demand.

AGENCY:Merchandising Workshop  CLIENT: Pfizer Consumer Health Care
They were simply going to"bleed-in" the blue formula to replace a lagging clear peppermint flavorof Plax. But with perseverance and cool creative, they let me launch itproperly. Supported with advertising and merchandising and all coordinatedwith a splashy blue visual, it became their fastest growing and ultimately,biggest seller. This effort remains as a great example of a totally integratedcampaign. Even the direct mail piece reflects the look and feel of thenational advertising.
                                                           Trade sales  kit                National ad                        Network TV spot
                                                                             Direct mail piece                       Point-of-sale display

AGENCY:Merchandising Workshop  CLIENT: Desitin
Ihelped design and write these three lovable mailers for Pfizer. The firstwas sent to homes of mothers in their last months of pregnancy. The secondwas inserted in hospital gift packs for new mothers. The third was mailedto the moms a few months later. Besides providing savings like most offers,I included valuable information on how to care for an infant. The cumulativeeffect helped generate brand awareness and sales with very little waste,plus a whole lot of happier babies.

COMPANY:US Medical Network
Assignment: Develop a brandidentity and create integrated marketing support six weeks.As part of the kit, I designed and produced a CD ROM business card thatcontained an interactive commercial presentation about the company. Itwas the first of its kind seen at the 2000 eHealthcare Show at Jacob JavitsCenter in New York.

                                                                                                                     Sales Brochure

   CD ROM BusinessCard                              Pamphlet
